Will Myers shows how to layout and cut a large auger hole with this antique hand tool

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In the above video, Will Myers shows how to use a large T-handle auger to bore an auger hole while building a Portable Moravian Workbench for woodworking.

Will Myers Boring An Auger Hole On A Moravian Workbench

This video is an excerpt from the popular video “Building the Portable Moravian Workbench with Will Myers”, which you can buy here in HD digital download/streaming or buy here on DVD.

Dvd Cover For “Building The Portable Moravian Workbench With Will Myers”

Selecting an Auger and other Hand Tools for Your Workbench

In this demonstration, a two-and-a-half-inch antique T-handle auger is used. This is a larger-than-average auger bit and somewhat rare, with two-inch augers being more common. When selecting an auger for your Moravian workbench project, make sure the auger is in good condition, as dull or damaged tools can create problems during boring.

Lead Screw On A T-Handle Auger

While a two-and-a-half-inch T-handle auger is used in this demonstration, finding a similar tool may be a challenge. If you are unable to locate one of this size, there are alternatives such as boring smaller holes and using a chisel, as mentioned earlier. However, if you do come across a larger auger, ensure that the lead screw and side cutters are in good condition. Augers are difficult to repair if damaged, so investing in a high-quality tool from the start is worth considering.

T-Handle Auger Boring A Hole

When using an auger for boring holes, it’s crucial to ensure the lead screw is sharp and properly aligned (see above). Auger bits have side cutters, which must be sharp and well-maintained to function properly. When sharpening these cutters, be cautious not to file the outer edges of the auger, as this can interfere with the tool’s operation, as it will change the hole’s diameter.

For those without access to a larger auger, an alternative method is to drill several smaller holes and chisel out the remaining material. While this method is effective, it is more time-consuming and labor-intensive than using a large auger.

For those building a Moravian workbench, the right tools can make all the difference. Beyond the auger, having sharp chisels, a well-maintained vice, and accurate measuring tools is essential for creating a workbench that is both functional and visually appealing. Watch our video below to understand tools used to make the Portable Moravian Workbench: 

Video Moravian Workbench Which Hand Tools

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Finding the Center of the Hole

Moravian Workbench Vise Chop

Will placed the Moravian Workbench vise chop over the backer board, and traced the circle with a pencil. With the hole’s placement marked, it’s time to locate the exact center of the circle. This is an important step before using an auger to bore through the wood. To do this, you can use a pair of dividers / compass (see vintage dividers here at eBay).

Using A Compass Or Dividers To Find The Center Of A Circle

Set the dividers near what you believe to be the center of the hole and scribe an arc across the face of the workpiece. Next, use three points along the circumference of the circle to create a small triangle. The center of this triangle will be the center of your hole.

This method is efficient for achieving pinpoint accuracy, especially when you’re using a tool like an auger that requires precise alignment. For the Moravian workbench, precision in boring auger holes ensures the workbench remains sturdy and well-balanced during use.

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Making a Pilot Hole Before Boring the Auger Hole

Auger Bit On An Auger Hole

Before using the auger, you may need to create a pilot hole for the lead screw. In this demonstration, a Jennings auger bit is used to create a small starter hole. This pilot hole helps guide the auger and makes it easier to bore the larger hole. When drilling the starter hole, aim for the center of the triangle you created earlier. Accuracy at this stage is essential to ensure the auger bit follows the correct path.

Pilot Hole For A T-Handle Auger Hole

Once the pilot hole is bored, it’s time to use the auger to bore the hole. As demonstrated, the two-and-a-half-inch auger bit is turned with a T-handle. Although this bit may appear large and difficult to maneuver, it can be turned relatively easily by crossing your arms and rotating the handle in a full revolution. This technique provides greater leverage and allows for a smoother, more consistent turn. The auger hole should be bored as straight as possible to avoid complications when installing the vice.

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Techniques for Boring with a T-Handle Auger

Will Myers Boring An Auger Hole On A Moravian Workbench

Now that the center is found and a pilot hole bored, the next step involves the use of an auger. One of the key tips when boring with a T-handle auger is to keep it straight. Even with careful handling, it’s possible for the hole to become slightly off-center. If this happens, don’t worry. After boring, you can use a rasp or chisel to clean up any irregularities and create a perfectly round and even hole.

Boring An Auger Hole In A Moravian Workbench Vise Board

When using a T-handle auger, it’s important to note that unlike a Jennings bit, which allows for drilling partway through and finishing on the opposite side, a T-handle auger works best when boring from one side only. This is because the design of the auger makes it difficult to reverse the process mid-way through. To avoid splintering or breaking the wood as you near the end of the hole, take your time and gently ease the auger through the last few inches of material.

Boring An Auger Hole In A Moravian Workbench Vise Board

When approaching the end of the hole, apply slow, controlled pressure and work the auger back and forth to maintain accuracy. This step is especially important for ensuring a clean exit hole, which is critical when constructing a Moravian workbench that will see years of use.

Final Adjustments and Clean-Up

Boring An Auger Hole In A Moravian Workbench Vise Board

Once the auger hole is bored, the hole size may be slightly off due to the auger “wallowing” around during the boring process. In the video, it’s noted that the two-and-a-half-inch auger tends to produce a hole that’s slightly larger—around two and five-eighths inches. This minor variation can be corrected with a chisel or rasp to smooth out the edges and bring the hole to the correct size.

This step is crucial for the Moravian workbench because precise hole sizes ensure the vice operates smoothly. If the hole is too tight or too loose, it could compromise the functionality and durability of the workbench.

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Will Myers Boring An Auger Hole On A Moravian Workbench

The auger hole is a fundamental aspect of constructing a Moravian workbench, especially when it comes to installing the vice and other key components. By following the techniques demonstrated in the video, you can ensure that your workbench is built with precision and care. The use of a T-handle auger simplifies the boring process and saves time, but attention to detail in sharpening, centering, and finishing the hole is just as critical.

Portable Moravian Workbench At Roy Underhill'S Woodwright'S School

With the right tools, techniques, and a bit of patience, your Moravian workbench can be a masterpiece of traditional woodworking, offering stability, functionality, and aesthetic appeal for all your future woodworking projects. Whether you’re a seasoned craftsman or an aspiring woodworker, understanding how to use an auger hole properly will elevate your workbench-building skills to new heights.

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Auger Hole, Moravian Workbench

Will Myers is an expert furniture maker from North Carolina, who specializes in building reproduction furniture with historical hand tools. Will is featured in the best-selling DVD “Building the Portable Moravian Workbench with Will Myers” and on the PBS TV show “The Woodwright’s Shop“. He also teaches woodworking classes at various schools, and has been featured in multiple woodworking magazine articles.

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Auger Hole, Moravian Workbench
Auger Hole, Moravian Workbench
Auger Hole, Moravian Workbench
Auger Hole, Moravian Workbench
Auger Hole, Moravian Workbench
Auger Hole, Moravian Workbench
Auger Hole, Moravian Workbench
Auger Hole, Moravian Workbench