In this video Will Myers demonstrates his straight-forward method for cutting a through-dovetail joint, with a trick to hide a groove. This demonstration is on a workbench tool tray, for a Moravian Workbench, but it is the same process you would use when adding bottoms when making boxes or tool chests.
Here is the original Moravian Workbench that Will Myers patterned his benches after (it is stored at the Old Salem Museum in North Carolina).
Will and I filmed the 7 hour DVD “Building the Portable Moravian Workbench with Will Myers” several years ago at Old Salem and at Roy Underhill’s Woodwright’s School. Here’s a demo of Will assembling the Moravian Workbench in under one minute:
Here are some upcoming classes that Will Myers (and others) will be teaching at the Wood and Shop Traditional Woodworking School: