I’m excited to announce the release of my newest DVD: “Building the Historic Howarth Bow Saw with Bill Anderson“. You can watch the above video preview, and you can now buy it here! The first 100 buyers will receive this autographed photograph of Bill, so don’t delay!


Here’s the rear cover so you can see more details about the content-rich video:


Now for a little history about this DVD: In 2011 Bill authored an article for Popular Woodworking Magazine called “Make a Shapely Bowsaw” (here). Bill had discovered this lovely antique English bow saw from a tool dealer that regularly purchased tools from Great Britain. Bill borrowed the bow saw and studied it extensively so he could make a replica. Bill didn’t just measure the bow saw, but he went several steps further and even X-rayed the bow saw at a local veterinarian’s office so he could see how the pins were constructed! Bill made some improvements and refined the building process during his many hours in his workshop and in classes that he taught at Roy Underhill’s Woodwright’s School.


The saw quickly became a very popular project for woodworkers who wanted to have a charming and very functional bow saw in their workshop. One detail that really separates this bow saw from many others is the tapered brass pins that keep the handles snug inside the frame:


So Bill and I decided to make a very detailed (2-disc) DVD tutorial to help even novice woodworkers make this charming hand saw. Below are some more photos from the video filming shoot that took place in Bill’s amazing workshop in Chatham County, North Carolina:




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Warren Black
Warren Black
December 2, 2016 1:22 pm

Josh, I thoroughly enjoy your site and share your ideals. I appreciate you sharing photos of tiur sons I’m just getting started in my own handtool shop since having bought this old peach farm. My shop is a 60 X 36 metal building with 12 x 12 doors on each end. Woodworking is going slow as I had to restore this old mill house for habitation and this has taken the better part of 3 years wworking part time. House… Read more »

Robin Hale-Cooper
Robin Hale-Cooper
December 8, 2016 4:22 am

I have sworn off of DVDs, is this available as a paid video on Amazon or YouTube? Robin HC, Richmond Va

Robin Hale-Cooper
Robin Hale-Cooper
January 3, 2017 8:46 pm

I just purchase the Howarth Bow Saw Video in download format. Thanks for making it available without having to buy a DVD. I plan to watch the video on my phone – possibly on my lunch hour. Is it available in a lower resolution that is not such a large file? If not – can you recommend a program that will make a copy of the video in a lower resolution? I live in Richmond which is not very far… Read more »

Wood And Shop Traditional Woodworking School
Building The Historic Howarth Bow Saw
Building The Historic Howarth Bow Saw
Building The Historic Howarth Bow Saw
Building The Historic Howarth Bow Saw
Building The Historic Howarth Bow Saw
Building The Historic Howarth Bow Saw
Building The Historic Howarth Bow Saw
Building The Historic Howarth Bow Saw