By Joshua Farnsworth

Every project has different requirements for assembling, gluing, and clamping, but these videos can help with some basic tips. It’s important to have plenty of clamps so you don’t miss clamping a vital area of a project.


I used to think that using nails, and other fasteners, wasn’t part of traditional woodworking. But then I took a week-long class at Roy Underhill’s “Woodwright School” and learned that cut nails and other fasteners is actually very traditional. And it’s appropriate for attaching tongue and grooved bottoms to chests and boxes. So now I love using cut nails! Traditional woodworking guru, Christopher Schwarz, talks about his use of cut nails in this interesting article. He also shares this video about how to prepare your cut nails to improve performance:


Sure, this video is a bit cheesy, but has some fairly useful tips…I’ll share my own video shortly:



VIDEO: Here’s an introduction to different types of clamps. You can also see my clamps buying guide video and page.

Titebond (who makes Titebond 3, my glue of choice) shared this great video on appropriate clamping practices:

Wood Clamps,Wood Glue,Glue-Up,Glue Up,Cut Nails,Fasteners,Mortise,Tenon,Mortice,Mortising,Mortise And Tenon Joint,Mortice And Tenon Joint,Morice And Tenon Joinery,Mortise And Tenon Joinery,Morticing,Mortice Chisel,Morticing Chisel,Morising Chisel,Mortise And Tenon,Mortice And Tenon,Mortise &Amp; Tenon,Mortice &Amp; Tenon,Mortise And Tennon,How To Make Morise And Tenon,How To Make Mortice And Tenon,Chop Mortise,How To Chop A Mortise,Woodworking,Traditional Woodworking,Woodandshop,Hand Tools,Roy Underhill,Lie-Nielsen,Vertitas Tools,Christopher Schwarz,Chris Schwarz,Scwartz,Shwartz,Hand Planes,Hand Saws,Woodworker,Traditional Woodworker,Chisels,Woodwright'S Shop,Woodwright'S School,Bill Anderson,Mary May,Wood Turning,Wood Carving,Stanley,Millers Falls

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