In this 2nd video Will Myers continues teaching basic woodturning for woodworkers. Now that his cherry table spindle is dry, Will continues to show how to shape a table spindle on the lathe. This tutorial comes from the class and DVD: “Building the Hancock Shaker Candle Stand with Will Myers“. If you’d like to build this historical candle stand along side Will Myers, you can register here for the upcoming 3 day class at my school. It will be held Thursday – Saturday, May 10th-12th, 2018 in Earlysville, Virginia.
You can also purchase the DVD or Digital Download video in my store here.
Part 3 of this tutorial will be released in a few days, so make sure that you’re on our newsletter list (here) so you can be notified! Click here to watch part 1 of this series. Here are a few photos of our first trip to the Hancock Shaker village where we filmed & measured the original shaker candle stand: